Running in a Tomcat Server


The bag database is a Spring-based web application that requires Java 11 or later and has been tested in Tomcat 9.

To compile it, you need JDK 11.0 or later and Maven 3.0.5 or later. To build a WAR package, run:

mvn package

This will produce a WAR file that is suitable for deploying to a Tomcat 9 application server.

Tomcat Configuration

  1. Start up a PostgreSQL server; create an empty database and a user with access to it.
  2. Start up your application server and deploy the WAR file to it. The easiest way to do this is to copy the WAR file into Tomcat’s webapps directory.
  3. The bag database will automatically create a directory at ${HOME}/.ros-bag-database and place its configuration inside there, where ${HOME} is the home directory of the user that the tomcat service is running as.
  4. Edit ${HOME}/.ros-bag-database/settings.yml and set your configuration, then restart the application. Here’s an example of a valid config file; keys you don’t want to set can be omitted.

     bingKey: PKnOQDvUxRJ0bEZdBH7m
     dockerHost: http://localhost:2375
     driver: org.postgresql.Driver
     googleApiKey: PKnOQDvUxRJ0bEZdBH7m
     - /localization/gps
     - /gps
     - /vehicle/gps/fix
     jdbcPassword: letmein
     jdbcUrl: jdbc:postgresql://bagdb-postgres/bag_database
     jdbcUsername: bag_database
     useBing: true
     useMapQuest: false
     - /vms/vehicle_name
  5. Look inside the log file at ${TOMCAT_HOME}/logs/bag_database.log to find the automatically-generated administrator password.
  6. Log in through the GUI and use the Maintenance panel to change the password.
  7. Note that in order for video streaming to work, ffmpeg version 3 or higher must be available on the system path.