With a Private Registry

If you want to store Docker images for running scripts locally, it makes sense to have your own Docker registry. It’s straightforward to add a registry container with Docker compose, but keep in mind that unless you also configure it to use SSL with a valid certificate, you will also need to configure the Bag Database’s docker-in-docker container to allow it as an insecure registry. Please see docker-compose.yml as an example.

Note: The docker-java-api library that the Bag Database is currently using does not support authenticating with a registry. Until support is added or it’s modified to use a different library, it will only be possible to pull images from registries that do not require authentication.

Note that the docker container configuration mounts a volume at /etc/docker/daemon.json. To allow connecting to registry:5000 insecurely, that file should contain:

  "insecure-registries" : ["registry:5000"]

This configuration is otherwise the same as the example Without Authentication.

After starting the containers, test it by pulling an image, tagging it, pushing it to your registry, and then running it with a script.

$ docker pull ros:melodic
melodic: Pulling from library/ros
Digest: sha256:9b73abfadca0246a5eb77e0e03277e6afce2a488616a0750680f5dd85dcc0516
Status: Downloaded newer image for ros:melodic
$ docker tag ros:melodic localhost:5000/ros:melodic
$ docker push localhost:5000/ros:melodic
The push refers to repository [localhost:5000/ros]
melodic: digest: sha256:828286c15eb8e624503154e8af4db1caeec181510ee2f3b94dfdb289897ea0a2 size: 2833

Now create and run a script that uses the image registry:5000/ros:melodic, and you should be able to see it pull that image in the log file.

Example Script

15:23:41.413 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] INFO  c.g.s.scripts.ScriptController - runScript: 10
15:23:41.431 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] DEBUG c.g.s.scripts.ScriptService - Dispatching script to executor.
15:23:41.431 [ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] INFO  c.g.s.scripts.RunnableScript - Starting RunnableScript task for [Registry Test]
15:23:41.432 [ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.scripts.RunnableScript - Writing script to temporary directory: /var/lib/tomcat9/bagdb_scripts
15:23:41.440 [ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] INFO  c.g.s.scripts.RunnableScript - Pulling Docker image: [registry:5000/ros] with tag: [melodic]
15:23:41.451 [ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.scripts.RunnableScript - Container config:
15:23:41.480 [ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.scripts.RunnableScript - Created container: 25a44c3c90b77033b03c57c4702baaf856bac4d59164103e5ba63469f64a47a8
15:23:41.733 [ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.scripts.RunnableScript - Started container: 25a44c3c90b77033b03c57c4702baaf856bac4d59164103e5ba63469f64a47a8
15:23:41.768 [MessageBroker-1] DEBUG c.g.s.scripts.ScriptService - Before check: 1 scripts currently running.
15:23:41.768 [MessageBroker-1] DEBUG c.g.s.scripts.ScriptService - 1 scripts currently running.
15:23:42.097 [ThreadPoolTaskExecutor-1] DEBUG c.g.s.scripts.RunnableScript - Output:
{ 'success': true }