
The Bag Database supports running in multiple different configurations, and depending upon your needs, you may want to also have PostgreSQL, OpenLDAP, and Docker containers. The easiest way to manage all of these is with docker-compose.

Follow the official instructions for setting up docker-compose, then look at the examples here to get an idea of how you want to set up your Bag Database. This page describes volumes and parameters that can be used to configure the Docker container.



Volume Description
/bags Will be monitored for bag files.
/usr/local/tomcat/logs Where Tomcat places its log files.
/root/.ros-bag-database/indexes Where the Bag Database stores its Elasticsearch indexes.

Environment Variables

With the exception of BAGDB_PATH, all of these variables are used in the Bag Database container’s script to generate a file at ${HOME}/.ros-bag-database/settings.yml that configures the Bag Database. You can generate this file yourself if you have more complex configuration needs; see Storage for an example.

Variable Description Default
ADMIN_PASSWORD The default password for administrative access. If this is not set, one will be randomly generated and printed to the log file on initial startup.  
BAGDB_PATH The subdirectory to serve the Bag DB from. For example, if this is bagdb, you might access it from http://localhost:8080/bagdb/. Leaving this empty (the default) will serve it from the root path.  
BING_KEY The API key to use when connecting to Bing Maps. You can get an API Key through the Bing Maps Portal.  
DB_DRIVER The class name of the JDBC driver to use. org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
DB_PASS The password to use when connecting to the database.  
DB_URL The JDBC URL for connecting to the database. jdbc:hsqldb:mem:testdb
DB_USER The username to use when connecting to the database. sa
DEBUG_JAVASCRIPT Set this to true to force the application to load non-minified versions of Javascript files. This will increase load times. false
DOCKER_HOST The URL to use to connect to a Docker service. This can be empty if you do not intend to run scripts on bag files. It must be able to mount volumes on the same paths that the Bag Database can access them. TCP URLs should begin with http://.  
GOOGLE_API_KEY A Google API key that has permission to use the Google Maps GeoCoding API; this is necessary in order to resolve place names for GPS coordinates. You can get an API key in the Google Maps Platform documentation.  
GPS_TOPICS A comma-separated list of topics to search for GPS messages; the first one found will be used. Any message that has the fields float64 latitude, float64 longitude, and Header header will work. If there are no topics configured or none of them are found, it will try to use the first topic it can find that publishes the sensor_msgs/NavSatFix, gps_common/GPSFix, or marti_gps_common/GPSFix messages, in that order.  
LDAP_BINDDN If authenticating against an LDAP server that requires authentication, the Bind DN. If this is left blank, it will not attempt to authenticate.  
LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD If authenticating against an LDAP server that requires authentication, the password for the Bind DN.  
LDAP_SEARCH_BASE If authenticating against an LDAP server that requires authentication, the password for the Bind DN.  
LDAP_SERVER The LDAP server for authentication. If set to an empty string, LDAP authentication will not be enabled, and anonymous users may connect.  
LDAP_USER_PATTERN The pattern for finding user DNs in the LDAP server. {0} will be replaced with the username from the login form.  
METADATA_TOPICS A comma-separated list of std_msgs/String topics in bag files that will be searched for metadata. The messages on the topic should be newline-separated tags that are made of colon-separated key/value pairs; see Metadata Example for an example.  
OPEN_WITH_URLS A block of YAML describing external applications that can open bag files. See Open With Format. "{'Webviz':['', 'remote-bag-url']}"
SCRIPT_TMP_PATH Path to write temporary script files and bag files downloaded from remote storage backends. This can be empty if you do not intend to run scripts or use remote storage. It must be writable by the bag database, and the Docker service that runs the scripts must have it mounted as a volume at the same location as the Bag Database. /scripts
TILE_HEIGHT_PX The height of the tiles returned from the tile map in pixels. 256
TILE_MAP_URL If USE_TILE_MAP is true, this URL will be used as a template for retrieving map tiles from a WMTS tile server. See the documentation for the url property of OpenLayers’ ol.source.XYZ class. The default value will use the terrain map provided by Stamen. http://{a-d}{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg
TILE_WIDTH_PX The width of the tiles returned from the tile map in pixels. 256
USE_BING Set this to true to use Bing Maps for displaying map imagery; set it to false to disable Bing. false
USE_TILE_MAP Set this to true to use a WMTS tile map for displaying map imagery; set it to false to disable WMTS maps. true
VEHICLE_NAME_TOPICS A comma-separated list of std_msg/String topics that will be searched for a vehicle name; the first one found will be used.  

Metadata Example

An example message on the /metadata topic might look like:

name: John Doe

This would add two tags: one with the name name and value John Doe, and another with the name email and value

Tag names are unique. If a topic has multiple messages and there are any tags with duplicate names, later ones will overwrite earlier ones.

Open With Format

By default, the Bag Database will show an “Open With Webviz” item in context menus that can be used to open bag files with . This can be customized to disable it or supply a custom list of applications.

The configuration should be a YAML map in a single line so that it can be passed through as an environment variable. For clarity, here’s another example that is formatted more cleanly:

- ''
- 'remote-bag-url'
'Foxglove Studio':
- ''
- 'remote-bag-url'

Each object in the map has a key that is used as the label in the UI, and each object has a list with two strings; the first is the base URL of the application, and the second is a parameter that should be set to the URL of the bag file. In the above example, if a user is accessing a bag database at http://localhost:6080/bagdb/ and selects a bag file with an ID of “10”, it will open this URL in a new window:

If a user selects multiple bags at once, the Bag Database will supply additional parameters based on what Webviz expects; for example, remote-bag-url-2. A URL for two bags might look like:

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