
The Bag Database stores its configuration in a file at ${HOME}/.ros-bag-database/settings.yml, where ${HOME} is the home directory of the user that the Tomcat server is running as.

If you are only serving files from a single directory on the local filesystem, you don’t need to edit this file; it will be automatically generated from the environment variables set on the container.

For more complex storage configuration, you can make your own settings.yml file. See below for an example, or if you have an existing Bag Database, you can use its current configuration as a starting point by copying /root/.ros-bag-database/settings.yml out of the container.

For a detailed list of the environment variables used to configure the Bag Database when it is running as a Docker container, see Docker.

File Format

For reference, this is what a normal settings.yml file looks like:

bagPath: /var/local/bags
dockerHost: http://localhost:2375
driver: org.postgresql.Driver
- /localization/gps
- gps
- /vehicle/gps/fix
- /localization/sensors/gps/novatel/raw
- /localization/sensors/gps/novatel/fix
- /imu_3dm_node/gps/fix
- /local_xy_origin
scriptTmpPath: "/var/lib/tomcat9/bagdb_scripts/"
jdbcPassword: letmein
jdbcUrl: jdbc:postgresql://localhost/bag_database
jdbcUsername: bag_database
ldapBindDn: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
ldapBindPassword: P@ssw0rd
ldapSearchBase: ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
ldapUserPattern: uid={0},ou=People,dc=example,dc=com
- /metadata
      - ''
      - 'remote-bag-url'
  'Foxglove Studio':
      - ''
      - 'remote-bag-url'
- /vms/vehicle_name
- /vehicle_name

If you are running the Bag Database in a standalone Tomcat server, some of these values can be edited through the Configuration panel. Note that if you are running inside a Docker container, they will be overwritten when the container restarts.

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