Plugin Name | Description |
Attitude Indicator | |
Coordinate Picker | Transforms coordinates of clicked points on the map to a specified frame. The most recent coordinate is placed on the clipboard, and a list of coordinates is displayed in the GUI. |
Disparity | Overlays a sensor_msgs::DisparityImage onto the display using the ‘‘jet’’ color map. |
Draw Polygon | Draw a polygon on the canvas and publish to a topic. |
Float | Displays the most recent value from a std_msgs::Float32/64, marti_common_msgs/Float32/64Stamped or a marti_sensor_msgs/Velocity message at a fixed location on the scene. |
GPS | Projects gps_common::GPSFix message data into the scene. |
Grid | Projects a 2D grid into the scene. |
Image | Overlays a sensor_msgs::Image onto the display. |
LaserScan | Projects a sensor_msgs::LaserScan message into the scene. |
Marker | Projects a visualization_msgs::Marker or visualization_msgs::MarkerArray into the scene. Markers are the most flexible display type and more or less mirror the OpenGL primitives. |
Measuring | Measure distance on the canvas with the mouse. |
Move Base | Allows the user to send goals to move_base. |
Multi-Res Image | Projects a geo-referenced multi-resolution image tile map into the scene. The concept is the same as the Google Maps style pan/zoom satellite imagery. |
NavSat | Projects sensor_msgs::NavSatFix message data into the scene. |
Occupancy Grid | |
Odometry | Projects nav_msgs::Odometry message data into the scene. |
Path | Projects nav_msgs::Path message data into the scene. |
Plan Route | |
Point Click Publisher | Publishes a geometry_msgs::PointStamped message every time a user clicks on the map frame that corresponds to the clicked location. |
Point Drawing | |
Pointcloud2 | |
Pose | |
Robot Image | Projects an image loaded from file into the scene to represent the robot platform. |
Route | |
String | Displays the most recent string from a std_msgs::String message at a fixed location on the scene. |
Textured Marker | Projects marti_visualization_msgs::TexturedMarker and marti_visualization_msgs::TexturedMarkerArray message data into the scene. Textured markers follow the same general approach as traditional markers, but can be used to texture dense image data onto a quad which is projected into the scene. |
TF Frame | Projects Tf data into the scene similar to the Odometry plug-in. |
Tile Map | Projects a geo-referenced multi-resolution image tile map into the scene. Map tiles can be obtained from Bing Maps or any WMTS Tile Service. Pre-defined services that access Stamen Design (terrain, watercolor, and toner) are provided. Custom or local WMTS map servers can also be specified. Map data is cached to disk which enables some limited use completely offline. |